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Falklands Seafood

The Falkland's iconic species, Patagonian squid, is a premium retail brand hugely popular worldwide for its superior taste and texture which is typical of Falkland's fish that thrive in the cold and nutrient-rich waters of these isolated South Atlantic Islands.

The excellent eating qualities of the Iocally caught species of whitefish – the sweetness of Falklands Hakes or the succulent and reliable texture of Kingclip and Patagonian Toothfish – are directly related to how and where the fish spend their lives. An eco-system rich in plankton, crustaceans and prey fish that offers a variety of high quality food produces superior eating seafood with distinctive flavours and textures that are impossible to replicate artificially. 

As well as supporting resident species of fish the fishery's lush feeding grounds are a magnet for a host of migratory fish attracted from as far away as the Brazilian coast and the North Chilean waters of the Pacific Ocean. 


Patagonian Hake
Red Cod
Patagonian Red Fish
Falkland Herring
Southern Blue Whiting